Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who Is Pulling the Strings

In our country most of us go through our day thinking that we truely have control over the outcome of things being done in Washington, and to an extent we do. We do after all elect those that represent us, do we not? The sad fact of the matter, is that just like with most things in this world, he with the deepest pockets speaks the loudest. I say that meaning that if you have the funds, you can get done just about whatever it is you want done. There are alot of things going on behind the scenes that most of us will never be part of. Well today my friends that starts to change. We have the internet now(if you didn't know about it) and along with that comes the power of being able to research things for yourself and educate yourself so as not to have to take someone else's words as truth. In saying that, with the things I am about to tell you, dont' take my word for it, seek the answeres for yourself. Do not be one of the masses who just go through life based on what they are told. This might be a long one folks, so I hope you bear with me. I would like to start of with a quote from Edward Bernays. It is from his book "Propaganda" written in 1928. This book was what Hitler read and used as his basis to dupe the masses in Germany. "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."

Today there is a man who is pulling strings in our country to manipluate things to his will. That man's name is George Soros. Mr. Soros is a multi-billionare who has made his money with his knowledge of the market, and manipulation of the market. That knowledge does not stop in our country either. He has been blamed for the collapse of currency in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, and the latest in England with the collapse of the Birtish Sterling in 1992. He made a profit off the collapse in Britan to around the tune of $2 billion on that one day alone. He has stated on video in an interview that he thinks there should be "a slow devaluation of the dollar; a managed decline." Does anybody out there know what is going on with the dollar right now?

Dont think for one second that is where Mr. Soros has stopped his reach! He is also known to be the backer of overthrowing regimes. Some of the most notable ones are The Czech Republic, The Ukraine, Georgia, Slovakia, Croatia, Ugoslavia, and now his sights are set on the United States. Let's find out how he is going about this.

One day George Soros spoke at Columbia University and called for campaign finance reform stating, "Do something about the distortion of our electoral process by the excessive use of T.V. advertising." That change came in the form of the Feingold/McCain Act. The main issue of that act was to allow "soft money" contributions which comes from orginizations and groups rather than political campaigns and parties. This led to the explotion of 501C3 groups, which can advertise at will and with no government oversight, meaning no regulations. So what does this have to do with George Soros? Well, Mr. Soros funds and backs MANY of these groups. Let's name a few now! Sojourners, Color for Change, Tides Foundation, Media Matters, People for Amercian Progress, Apollo Alliance, EB Center for Human Rights, and those are just a few!!
In 2003 he funded with 5 million dollars. The executive Director of this group is Zach Eyley who previously trained activists for the anarchist group The Ruckus Society which coordinated riots in Seattle in recent history. Zach is also a member of Mr. Soros' group Open Society Institute and is also a blogger for the Huffington Post. Both funded by George Soros!
The Open Society Institute is ran by one of the founders of S.D.S., Students for a Democratic Society. This group spawned the infamous 'weatherman underground." a violent group of radicals from back in the day, who the FBI has recently said is known to be in operation again! OSI recieves a steady stream of around $425 million a year from Soros, and is the group that determines where his money is to be put to work.
Hillary Clinton is quoted from a taped event stating, "We need people like George Soros, who is fearless and willing to step up where it counts."

Do you see a trend here?

Mr. Soros has been quoted in interview stating, " The main obstacle to a stable New World Order is the United States." He has also said in his own books that, "The United States should finds it's proper place in a New World Order. They would have to give up some of their privileges." And this man claims the title of American, at least on paper.

Only a couple of days after the innuguration of Mr. Obama, George Soros spoke at leangth about the need for a massive stimulus package for the U.S. Is it ironic that the first thing on Obama's agenda was the HUGE $787 bullion dollar stimulus package? Is it just as ironic that the bill was written so quickly and so complex in the short time it took to come to fruitation? Appernently not seeing as how it is now known that the bill was written by the people within the Apollp Alliance, and the Tides Foundation. Equally Ironic is that fact that the "obamacare" health bill was just as quickly written and just as complex with its thousand plus pages of legal mumbo jumbo? Come to find out..that bill was already in the works years ago and written by two men who were in jail for violent acts commited by them while acting out with the S.D.S and Weathermen Underground. Also days after our new Chief took office Soros spoke about the "need" for Cap and Trade within a new energy bill. This bill was introduced to congress but never saw the light of day thanks to the people of this country standing up and telling Washington they wanted no part of paying higher prices so that other countries could reap the benefits. Through the Freedom of Information act we now know that Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency coordinated their response to a massively negative report to the U.S. from Spain about "green jobs" with the help of the Center for American Progress, which is funded by George Soros!

Now let's touch on George Soros the person, and not his reach and string pulling with his vast fortune that he has made at the expense of others. He has written many book in which he says he has carried "messianic fantasies" of himself since childhood. He even has a biography entitled, "George Soros: The Life and Times of the Messianic Billionaire." He states in the same book, "I think the world very much needs a conscience...I want my foundations network to be the conscience of the world." In other words, he knows what is better for you and I than we ourselves do. Freedom? Not under this type of ideals. If this doesn't go against everything our country is supposed to stand for, and was founded on, then I don't know what does. It is my right in life as an American to choose my own path and make my own choices to live my life as I see fit. Not as some power hungry, dilusional billionaire thinks I should. I can't speak for the rest of you, but myelf... I REFUSE to go silent into the night. Nobody can stop something like this on their own. It takes unity to stop something like this. Regardless of our own personal beliefs, political choices, it doesn't matter. This is being done behind our backs and in front of our faces. It..Must..Stop.. or we will not be us anymore.

So I will close today and ask you these few questions...
Have you ever wondered who is at the other end of Mr. Obama's Blackberry?? No President in recent history of technology has had anything like that. It was considered a security risk because you can hack them just like a computer. Who is he talking to? Who does he need to recieve texts from? He is the president for crying out loud. He is always accessible by phone no matter where he is anyways. Who is writing the speeches that he reads from those teleprompters that he can't seem to get away from? WHO IS PULLING THE STRINGS?????

Some figures to give you an idea of where George Soros' money goes...

Top 20 grant recipients in 2008 (the most recent OSI filing)
o    International Crisis Group  $5,000,000
o    Ministry of Education Republic of Liberia  $4,250,000
o    Drug Policy Alliance  $4,000,000
o    Media Development Loan Fund  $3,900,000
o    Bard College  $3,094,539
o    Proteus Fund Inc  $3,000,000
o    The Revenue Watch Institute  $3,000,000
o    The Tides Foundation  $2,875,000
o    The Mayors Fund to Advance New York City  $2,512,415
o    Center on Budget and Policy Priorities  $2,107,000
o    Public Interest Projects  $1,700,000
o    The Tides Center  $1,396,681
o    Center for Community Change  $1,362,500
o    Leadership Conference on Civil Rights education  $1,320,000
o    Fund for the European University  $1,100,000
o    Center for New York City Neighborhoods  $1,050,000
o    American Civil Liberties Union Foundation  $1,000,000
o    Center for American Progress  $1,000,000
o    Foundation to Promote Open Society  $1,000,000
o    Link Media Inc  $1,000,000
 (Source: Open Society Institute, IRS Form 990-PF, 2008)

- 2008 funding from Open Society Institute to Tides (latest year for which the OSI has filed a Form 990 document with the IRS):

Grants disclosed on George Soros’ Open Society Institute's Form 990 tax filings to American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS) going back to 2002 (with the exception of the 2005 filing which could not be searched electronically).  Open Society's 2002 filing referenced that the grant was designated for start-up of ACS.  Adding all the totals from each year below (excluding 2005) comes to $14,602,850.
2008 funding: $3.65 million
2007 funding: $4.5 million
2006 funding: $5,025,000
2004 funding: $676,800
2003 funding: $251,050
2002 funding: $500,000

The Tides Center:       $1.354 million
Tides Foundation:       $2.875 million
Total:                     $4.229 million
- Drummond Pike is Founder & CEO of Tides Foundation. He is also Treasurer of Democracy Alliance, a group that was founded with major financial backing from member George Soros.
- The Apollo Alliance is a project of the Tides Center.
o    Van Jones is a former board member
Apollo Alliance helped to design and promote the stimulus bill which included $110 billion for “green spending”

- Early in 2003, Soros pledged $3 Million over 3 years to the think tank
- He awarded $1 Million in grants to Center for American Progress for 2008/2009
- The group was largely set up to prevent Bush from gaining re-election in 2004. Soros told the Washington Post: “I have made rejection of the Bush doctrine the central project of my life… America, under Bush, is a danger to the world.  And I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is."
- The organization is headed by John Podesta
- Van Jones is currently a senior fellow
- In its first year, CAP took in more than $10 million  
- In 2006, CAP launched a network of liberal religious leaders called Faith in Public Life to “fuel this burgeoning faith movement with cutting edge strategies and capacity-building resources”
- CAP’s campus Progress, with a staff of 15 and a large network of student advisers, offers money and guidance to help college activists launch initiatives and newspapers
- CAP has a congressional outreach staff and aides dedicated to booking its experts on talk shows. It has a studio that offers daily taped segments and talking points for radio hosts, and it broadcasts liberal radio host Ed Schultz's show when he's in town.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

First Blog

So I start this post today with one simple message to alot of people (on both sides of the isle) who need one clear message to unite under. UNPLUG! It is time for the people of this country to "unplug themselves from the matrix" so to speak. We are living in a time where politics has become a much dirtier game than it has ever been. We the people are supposed to hold the power in this great country. Alas, it has become such the opposite in this day and age. People on both sides of the fence have figured out how to keep us devided on petty issues and issues that should be so far gone by now. They have learned to keep us devided more than they ever have in the past. Once a week I will sit down and try and tackle alot of the crap that is coming out of Washington D.C. and other places. I invite you to follow me regardless of your political affiliation, regardless of color, regardless of gender, regardless of sexual prefference. After all, we are the melting pot that makes this country up are we not? It is time for us to start getting on the same page as best as we can to protect ourselves, as well as the future for our children and what ever may come after we are long gone. It is time to unplug and to stand togeather. There will always be issues that seem to tear us apart from the unity we all preach to want, but are those things really that big of an issue? Is it not possible to have your own views and understand at the same time that we all have views? Is it not possible to understand that we all have the right to choose, and just because we may choose differently that it doesn't mean that you and I are enemies? Can we not really and truely 'all just get along?" There are many things afoot in this country that the masses turn a blind eye to because the media and very rich people have the money to avert our attention away from them. It is time to come togeather by whatever means needed in order to keep this country free and thriving. I look forward to all who wish to embark on this journey with me. I know some may not agree with some of the things I have to say along the way, but that is ok! Some of us have been paying attention to the media and others without actually educating themselves and actually thinking that there is no bias involved. I know it may seem like a very strong thing to say and many may not agree, but brainwashing is nothing new, and it has been going on in this country for such a long time and on such a massive level, that most people do not notice it in their lifetime. It is time to UNPLUG!